Partners with:
The National Adoption Service promotes and supports best practice in adoption across Wales. The National Adoption Service for Wales, launched in November 2014, is an innovative collaborative for the provision of adoption services. It brought together Welsh local authority adoption services into a 3 tier structure which includes partnerships at all levels with Voluntary Adoption Agencies based in Wales, Health and Education Services as well as others.
At local authority level all 22 Welsh councils continue to provide services to all looked after children whilst identifying and working with those children for whom a plan for adoption is appropriate.
AFKA Cymru promotes good practice across the breadth of permanency planning for children and young people. We are all about learning and development and offer advice, training and consultancy to professionals and members of the public to support best practice.
AFKA Cymru is by law governed by St. David’s Children Society under the terms of its charitable status.
Members of:
Adoption UK is the leading charity for all those whose lives involve adoption, including adopted people, adopters and the professionals who support them. They connect people, provide support and training and campaign for improvements to adoption policy and practice.
The voluntary adoption sector came together to form CVAA in 1992, in order to strengthen agencies’ collective voice and to set the interagency fee. For over 25 years we have supported member agencies, advocated on their behalf and provided a forum for networking, practice-sharing and collaboration.
CoramBAAF is an independent membership organisation for professionals, foster carers and adopters, and anyone else working with or looking after children in or from care, or adults who have been affected by adoption. It is a successor organisation to the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF).
WCVA is the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales.