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Access to Birth Records and Intermediary Services


If you were placed for adoption by St David’s Children Society we can support you to access your birth records. We also accept requests for information from other Adoption Agencies acting on your behalf.


We offer an intermediary service to adopted adults who were placed for adoption by St David’s Children Society and are hoping to be reunited with birth family members. If you live at a distance from our office in Cardiff we may recommend you contact a local Adoption Agency or Intermediary Service to receive support locally. Please contact us to discuss this.


St. David’s Children Society also holds some files in respect of children who were in the care of Nazareth House and the Agency inherited adoption files from the Menevia Society which ceased operation in 1980.


In addition we offer a service for those people with a prescribed relationship to adoptees who were placed for adoption by St David’s Children Society. This includes, but is not limited to, the children and grandchildren of adopted adults.


If your child was adopted through St David’s Children Society we can offer you advice on how to go about accessing an Intermediary Service and support via your local Adoption Regional Collaborative or an Adoption Support Agency.


For more information or to request access to records support or an intermediary service please contact us on 02920 667007 or info@stdavidscs.org. You can also complete the contact request form below.