Adoption Family Stories

Getting Started

The first in our series of videos speaking to three different families about their adoption journey. In this first video our families talk about why they decided to adopt and why they chose to adopt with St. David's Children Society.

Learning about adoption and St David’s

The second in our series of videos speaking to three different families about their adoption journey. Here, our adopters reminisce about the early stages of their adoption journey such as their attendance on the Preparation Training and also meeting their social worker for the first time.

Your Assessment

The third in our series of videos speaking to three different families about their adoption journey. Our families reminisce about their relationship with their social worker and the time leading up to Panel!

The Right Child For You

The fourth in our series of videos speaking to three different families about their adoption journey. Our three families explain the matching process where they are first linked with their children.

Getting to Know Each Other

The fifth in our series of videos speaking to three different families about their adoption journey. Our adopters finally meet their children! Hear them talk about how they managed the introductions period and began their new lives as a forever family.

Your Family and St David's

The last in our series of videos explores with our families how St. David's have helped them in their adoption journey and the ongoing lifelong support they receive.

Get in touch if you’d like to be part of the ‘St David’s family’


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